fluvial是什么意思 fluvial的读音、翻译、用法

fluvial是什么意思 fluvial的读音、翻译、用法



用法:'fluvial'通常用来修饰与河流相关的事物,如fluvial deposits(河流沉积物)、fluvial landscapes(河流景观)、fluvial erosion(河流侵蚀)等。


1. The fluvial deposits here are rich in minerals.(这里的河流沉积物富含矿物质。)

2. The fluvial system in this region is highly complex.(这个地区的河流系统非常复杂。)

3. This species is commonly found in fluvial habitats.(这个物种常见于河流栖息地。)

4. Fluvial erosion has created some stunning natural features.(河流侵蚀创造了一些惊人的自然景观。)

5. The fluvial environment provides a vital source of food for many animals.(河流环境为许多动物提供了重要的食物来源。)

6. The fluvial landscapes of this region are breathtakingly beautiful.(这个地区的河流景观美得让人惊叹。)

7. Some species of fish are highly adapted to fluvial environments.(一些鱼类非常适应河流环境。)

8. The fluvial delta is an important breeding ground for many bird species.(河流三角洲是许多鸟类的重要繁殖场所。)

9. Fluvial sedimentation is a key process in the formation of many geological structures.(河流沉积作用是许多地质结构形成的关键过程。)

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