Apanteles rubecula是什么意思 Apanteles rubecula的读音、翻译、用法

Apanteles rubecula是什么意思 Apanteles rubecula的读音、翻译、用法

'Apanteles rubecula' 是拉丁语,意思是红胸小蜂。这是一种寄生性蜂,它会选择寄生在食叶动物的幼虫体内,以此来保护它们自己的幼虫。

以下是9个含有'Apanteles rubecula' 的例句:

1. Apanteles rubecula parasitizes the larvae of Pieris rapae.(红胸小蜂寄生在小菜蛾幼虫内。)

2. The population dynamics of Apanteles rubecula were studied in a field experiment.(在田间实验中对红胸小蜂的种群动态进行了研究。)

3. The eggs of Apanteles rubecula are laid on the surface of the host larvae.(红胸小蜂的卵产在寄主幼虫表面。)

4. The larvae of Apanteles rubecula feed on the body fluids of the host larvae.(红胸小蜂幼虫吸食寄主幼虫的体液。)

5. Apanteles rubecula is an important natural enemy of Pieris rapae in agricultural ecosystems.(红胸小蜂是农业生态系统中小菜蛾的重要天敌。)

6. The parasitism rate of Apanteles rubecula varies with temperature and humidity.(红胸小蜂的寄生率随着温度和湿度的变化而变化。)

7. The emergence rate of Apanteles rubecula adults is affected by the quality of the host larvae.(红胸小蜂成虫的出现率受寄主幼虫质量的影响。)

8. Apanteles rubecula is able to parasitize a wide range of host species.(红胸小蜂能够寄生很多种寄主物种。)

9. The effectiveness of Apanteles rubecula as a biological control agent depends on its ability to locate and parasitize suitable hosts.(红胸小蜂作为生物防治剂的有效性取决于其寻找并寄生适合的寄主的能力。)

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