Spermophilus是什么意思 Spermophilus的读音、翻译、用法

Spermophilus是什么意思 Spermophilus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Spermophilus citellus is a ground squirrel species found in Europe and Asia. (松鼠(Spermophilus)属的黄鼠(Spermophilus citellus)分布在欧洲和亚洲。)

2. Spermophilus tridecemlineatus is a species of ground squirrel found in North America. (松鼠(Spermophilus)属的十三纹松鼠(Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)分布在北美。)

3. Many species of Spermophilus hibernate during the winter months. (许多种类的松鼠(Spermophilus)在冬季会冬眠。)

4. The burrows of Spermophilus are usually located in areas with loose soil. (松鼠(Spermophilus)的洞穴通常位于松软土壤的地方。)

5. Spermophilus parryii can often be seen foraging for food on the tundra. (刚毛松鼠(Spermophilus parryii)经常在苔原上觅食。)

6. The diet of Spermophilus lateralis includes seeds, fruits, and insects. (侧体松鼠(Spermophilus lateralis)的食物包括种子、水果和昆虫。)

7. The natural predators of Spermophilus include hawks, foxes, and snakes. (松鼠(Spermophilus)的天敌包括鹰、狐狸和蛇。)

8. Spermophilus colonies are often comprised of several families living in close proximity. (松鼠(Spermophilus)的族群通常由几个生活在近距离的家庭组成。)

9. Researchers are studying the behavior and communication of Spermophilus to better understand their social structures. (研究人员正在研究松鼠(Spermophilus)的行为和交流,以更好地了解它们的社会结构。)

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