2-Pentanona是什么意思 2-Pentanona的读音、翻译、用法

2-Pentanona是什么意思 2-Pentanona的读音、翻译、用法




1. 2-Pentanone is used as a solvent for cellulose esters, resins, and paints.(2-戊酮被用作纤维素酯、树脂和油漆的溶剂。)

2. The reaction of 2-pentanone with sodium borohydride produces an alcohol.(2-戊酮和硼氢化钠反应会产生一种醇类化合物。)

3. 2-Pentanone can be synthesized through the oxidation of pentanol.(2-戊酮可以通过对戊醇进行氧化合成。)

4. The boiling point of 2-pentanone is 102-103°C.(2-戊酮的沸点为102-103℃。)

5. 2-Pentanone has a strong and sweet odor.(2-戊酮具有强烈而甜美的气味。)

6. The density of 2-pentanone is 0.81 g/cm3.(2-戊酮的密度为0.81 g/cm3。)

7. 2-Pentanone is a colorless liquid.(2-戊酮是一种无色液体。)

8. The molecular weight of 2-pentanone is 86.13 g/mol.(2-戊酮的分子量为86.13 g/mol。)

9. 2-Pentanone is a ketone compound with five carbon atoms.(2-戊酮是一种含有五个碳原子的酮类化合物。)

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