adorno是什么意思 adorno的读音、翻译、用法

adorno是什么意思 adorno的读音、翻译、用法

'adorno'是德语词汇,中文翻译为"阿多诺"或者"阿多尔诺"。它可以指德国哲学家、作曲家、音乐学家及社会理论家提奥多尔·阿多诺(Theodor W. Adorno),也可以指他的作品、思想或研究方向。


1. Adorno是20世纪德国最杰出的哲学家之一。(Adorno is one of the most outstanding philosophers in Germany in the 20th century.)

2. Adorno的美学理论对后现代文化研究产生了深远的影响。(Adorno's aesthetic theory has a profound influence on the study of postmodern culture.)

3. Adorno所处的历史环境对他的思想有很大的影响。(The historical environment in which Adorno lived had a great influence on his thinking.)

4. Adorno与尼采、卢梭等人被誉为现代西方文化思想的三大哲学家。(Adorno, Nietzsche, Rousseau and others are known as the three major philosophers of modern Western cultural thought.)

5. Adorno的音乐学理论被认为是20世纪最重要的贡献之一。(Adorno's musicology theory is considered one of the most important contributions of the 20th century.)

6. Adorno深刻分析了现代社会的底层文化现象。(Adorno deeply analyzed the underlying cultural phenomena of modern society.)

7. Adorno对民主理念的批判性反思仍然具有现实意义。(Adorno's critical reflection on democratic ideals still has practical significance.)

8. Adorno的弗洛伊德主义分析对文化研究产生了新的视角。(Adorno's Freudian analysis has brought new perspectives to cultural studies.)

9. Adorno与哈贝马斯共同创立了批判理论学派。(Adorno and Habermas jointly founded the Critical Theory School.)

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