neo-pop是什么意思 neo-pop的读音、翻译、用法

neo-pop是什么意思 neo-pop的读音、翻译、用法



1. The artist's works are characterized by their neo-pop style and bold colors. (这位艺术家的作品以其新流行艺术风格和大胆的色彩为特点。)

2. The fashion show featured a lot of neo-pop inspired designs. (这场时装秀展示了许多受新流行艺术启发的设计。)

3. The neo-pop movement took inspiration from popular culture and mass media. (新流行艺术运动从流行文化和大众媒体中汲取灵感。)

4. Many contemporary artists are influenced by the neo-pop movement. (许多当代艺术家受到新流行艺术运动的影响。)

5. The exhibition showcases a range of neo-pop artworks from different countries. (这次展览展示了来自不同国家的一系列新流行艺术作品。)

6. The neo-pop style is often associated with bright colors and bold lines. (新流行艺术风格通常与鲜艳的颜色和大胆的线条联系在一起。)

7. The artist's use of commercial motifs in his paintings is a characteristic of the neo-pop style. (这位艺术家在他的画作中使用商业主题是新流行艺术风格的一个特点。)

8. The neo-pop movement challenges traditional notions of art and what is considered 'high culture'. (新流行艺术运动挑战了传统的艺术观念和被认为是“高级文化”的概念。)

9. The neo-pop movement has been criticized for commercializing art and turning it into a commodity. (新流行艺术运动因商业化艺术并把它变成商品而受到批评。)

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