1. The quadriceps is responsible for extending the knee joint.(股四头肌负责伸展膝关节。)
2. Strengthening your quadriceps can improve your athletic performance.(加强股四头肌锻炼能提高你的运动表现。)
3. Injuries to the quadriceps can be quite painful and slow to heal.(股四头肌受伤会非常疼痛,恢复较慢。)
4. Quadriceps exercises are often included in physical therapy programs.(股四头肌锻炼常被包括在物理治疗计划中。)
5. Squats and lunges are great exercises for strengthening the quadriceps.(深蹲和弓步是加强股四头肌的好运动。)
6. The quadriceps femoris is composed of four separate muscles.(股四头肌由四个独立的肌肉组成。)
7. Athletes with weak quadriceps may be prone to knee injuries.(股四头肌较弱的运动员可能更容易受到膝关节的伤害。)
8. Quadriceps tightness can lead to decreased range of motion in the knee joint.(股四头肌紧张会导致膝关节活动范围减小。)
9. Quadriceps strains are a common injury in sports like football and basketball.(股四头肌劳损是足球和篮球等运动中常见的伤病。)