Porthetria是什么意思 Porthetria的读音、翻译、用法

Porthetria是什么意思 Porthetria的读音、翻译、用法



1. Porthetria dispar是一个有害的森林病虫害,会损害树木和林地生态系统。

(Porthetria dispar is a harmful forest pest that can damage trees and forest ecosystems.)

2. 虫态图对于鉴定Porthetria菌株的种类和发育状态十分重要。

(The life cycle pattern is essential for identifying the species and developmental stages of Porthetria strains.)

3. 这个地区的树木遭受了Porthetria argentula的侵害,导致了许多的林地损失。

(The trees in this area have suffered from the invasion of Porthetria argentula, resulting in significant forest losses.)

4. 据推测,Porthetria菌株的适应性很强,可以在不同环境下生存和繁殖。

(It is speculated that Porthetria strains have strong adaptability and can survive and reproduce in different environments.)

5. Porthetria的幼虫喜欢吃松树和云杉,对于这些树种的生长会产生很大的影响。

(Porthetria caterpillars prefer to eat pine and spruce trees, which can significantly impact the growth of these tree species.)

6. Porthetria属目前已知存在超过30种不同的菌株,其中有一些是对森林生态系统有害的。

(More than 30 different strains of Porthetria have been identified, some of which are harmful to forest ecosystems.)

7. 一些研究表明,Porthetria argentula幼虫的发育和成长可以受到环境和气候的影响。

(Some studies suggest that the development and growth of Porthetria argentula caterpillars can be influenced by the environment and climate.)

8. 在北美洲,Porthetria菌株的研究已经成为了相关领域的重要研究方向。

(In North America, the study of Porthetria strains has become an important research direction in related fields.)

9. Porthetria属的一些菌株可以被用作生物农药,来控制一些害虫的数量。

(Some strains of Porthetria can be used as biopesticides to control the population of certain pests.)

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