Tremellales是什么意思 Tremellales的读音、翻译、用法

Tremellales是什么意思 Tremellales的读音、翻译、用法



1. Tremellales属的真菌在许多不同的环境中都能生长。

The fungi of the Tremellales order can grow in many different environments.

2. 银耳属于Tremellales目中的一种真菌。

Tremella is a genus of fungi in the order Tremellales.

3. 这种致病性真菌属于Tremellales目中的一种。

This pathogenic fungus belongs to the order Tremellales.

4. Tremellales目的真菌可以分解植物残余物。

Fungi in the order Tremellales can decompose plant residues.

5. 这种真菌被分类为Tremellales目下的一种。

This fungus is classified as a species of the order Tremellales.

6. Tremellales目下的真菌在饮食上有着广泛的应用。

Fungi in the order Tremellales have a wide range of applications in diet.

7. 这个真菌的学名是Tremellales属的。

The scientific name of this fungus is of the order Tremellales.

8. Tremellales属下的真菌常常被用于中药材。

Fungi in the order Tremellales are often used in traditional Chinese medicine.

9. 在Tremellales目下,有些真菌被认为具有药用价值。

In the order Tremellales, some fungi are believed to have medicinal value.

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