Tetraidrofurano是什么意思 Tetraidrofurano的读音、翻译、用法

Tetraidrofurano是什么意思 Tetraidrofurano的读音、翻译、用法



1. 聚对苯二甲酸酯/聚碳酸酯在四氢呋喃中溶解度高,适合制备薄膜材料。(中文翻译:Polyethylene terephthalate/polycarbonate has high solubility in tetrahydrofuran, suitable for the preparation of thin film materials.)

2. 实验中使用四氢呋喃作溶剂进行反应。(中文翻译:Tetrahydrofuran was used as a solvent for the reaction in the experiment.)

3. 四氢呋喃可以用于合成多种有机材料。(中文翻译:Tetrahydrofuran can be used to synthesize various organic materials.)

4. 在溶解四氢呋喃的过程中,需要注意其挥发性强。(中文翻译:During the process of dissolving tetrahydrofuran, it is necessary to pay attention to its strong volatility.)

5. 该反应需要使用四氢呋喃作为催化剂。(中文翻译:The reaction requires tetrahydrofuran as a catalyst.)

6. 四氢呋喃对于溶解某些高分子化合物非常有效。(中文翻译:Tetrahydrofuran is very effective in dissolving some polymer compounds.)

7. 在四氢呋喃中制备的聚合物薄膜具有较好的热稳定性。(中文翻译:The polymer film prepared in tetrahydrofuran has good thermal stability.)

8. 四氢呋喃在有机合成中具有十分重要的应用价值。(中文翻译:Tetrahydrofuran has great application value in organic synthesis.)

9. 实验结果表明,四氢呋喃可以有效地改善反应产物的结晶性能。(中文翻译:The experimental results show that tetrahydrofuran can effectively improve the crystallization performance of the reaction product.)

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