1. Anthericum liliago在欧洲特别普遍。
Anthericum liliago is particularly common in Europe.
2. Anthericum是一种多年生植物。
Anthericum is a perennial plant.
3. 我在花园里种了一些Anthericum植物。
I have planted some Anthericum plants in my garden.
4. Anthericum vaillantii在西班牙很常见。
Anthericum vaillantii is very common in Spain.
5. Anthericum本应该属于百合科。
Anthericum should belong to the lily family.
6. 这种金星石蒜可以在草坪上种植。
This variety of Anthericum can be planted on a lawn.
7. 我们的园艺师使用了Anthericum来装饰花坛。
Our gardener used Anthericum to decorate the flower bed.
8. Anthericum ramosum是一种较为稀有的植物。
Anthericum ramosum is a relatively rare plant.
9. Anthericum是一种适合在阳光充足的环境下生长的植物。
Anthericum is a plant that thrives in sunny environments.