tribunal是什么意思 tribunal的读音、翻译、用法

tribunal是什么意思 tribunal的读音、翻译、用法




1. The tribunal ruled in favor of the plaintiff. (法庭判决原告获胜。)

2. The tribunal is responsible for investigating any allegations of corruption. (仲裁庭负责调查任何腐败指控。)

3. She was summoned to appear before the tribunal. (她被传唤到法庭出庭。)

4. The tribunal has the power to subpoena witnesses. (法庭有权传唤证人。)

5. The tribunal will deliver its ruling next week. (法庭将于下周宣布裁决。)

6. The tribunal was established to investigate war crimes. (仲裁庭成立是为了调查战争罪行。)

7. The tribunal found the defendant guilty of fraud. (法庭认定被告犯有欺诈罪。)

8. The tribunal heard testimony from several expert witnesses. (法庭听取了数名专家证人的证言。)

9. The tribunal's decision was final and binding. (法庭的决定是最终的并且具有约束力。)

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