'Ward Cunningham'是英语名字,翻译成中文是“沃德·坎宁安”,是一位著名的软件工程师和程序员,也是维基百科的创始人之一。他是软件工程和敏捷开发方法的先驱,被认为是软件工程和计算机编程领域的重要人物之一。
1. Ward Cunningham is a well-known figure in the software engineering industry.(沃德·坎宁安是软件工程行业中知名的人物。)
2. There are many software development methodologies advocated by Ward Cunningham.(沃德·坎宁安提倡了许多软件开发方法论。)
3. Ward Cunningham was one of the founders of the agile software development approach.(沃德·坎宁安是敏捷软件开发方法论的创始人之一。)
4. Ward Cunningham invented the first wiki, which paved the way for the creation of Wikipedia.(沃德·坎宁安发明了第一个维基,为维基百科的创建铺平了道路。)
5. Ward Cunningham has made many important contributions to the field of software engineering.(沃德·坎宁安在软件工程领域做出了许多重要的贡献。)
6. Ward Cunningham is a guru in the field of agile software development.(沃德·坎宁安是敏捷软件开发领域的权威。)
7. Ward Cunningham is known for his innovative and pragmatic approach to software development.(沃德·坎宁安以他创新而务实的软件开发方法著称。)
8. Ward Cunningham was awarded the Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award in 2003.(xx年,沃德·坎宁安获得了Dr. Dobb's编程卓越奖。)
9. Ward Cunningham's work has greatly influenced the development of software engineering and programming.(沃德·坎宁安的工作对软件工程和编程的发展产生了深远的影响。)