Degeneriaceae是什么意思 Degeneriaceae的读音、翻译、用法

Degeneriaceae是什么意思 Degeneriaceae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The family Degeneriaceae is endemic to certain parts of Tahiti.(Degeneriaceae科植物仅分布在塔希提的某些地区。)

2. The Degeneriaceae family is quite distinct from other families in the order of flowering plants.(退化树科与其他开花植物科别有所不同。)

3. The Degeneriaceae family has relatively small and simple flowers.(退化树科花朵相对较小、结构简单。)

4. Scientists have recently discovered a new species of tree in the Degeneriaceae family.(科学家最近发现了一种新的退化树科树木物种。)

5. The Degeneriaceae family is believed to have originated in the Gondwana supercontinent.(人们认为退化树科起源于冈瓦纳超大陆。)

6. Some species in the Degeneriaceae family are threatened by deforestation.(退化树科某些物种因森林砍伐而受到威胁。)

7. The leaves of plants in the Degeneriaceae family are often dark green and glossy.(退化树科植物的叶子通常呈深绿色、有光泽。)

8. Some members of the Degeneriaceae family produce edible fruits.(退化树科中有些植物的果实可以食用。)

9. The Degeneriaceae family is closely related to the family Bhesa.(退化树科与Bhesa科密切相关。)

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