Van Helsing是什么意思 Van Helsing的读音、翻译、用法

Van Helsing是什么意思 Van Helsing的读音、翻译、用法

'Van Helsing' 是荷兰的词语,翻译成中文是「范·海尔辛」。范·海尔辛是布拉姆·斯托克小说《吸血鬼》中的一个角色,他是吸血鬼猎人,专门讨伐吸血鬼和其他的超自然恶魔。

以下是9个含有‘Van Helsing’的例句:

1. Van Helsing raised a cross, and the vampire recoiled in horror.(范·海尔辛举起十字架,吸血鬼惊恐地后退了。)

2. In the movie "Dracula", Van Helsing was played by the famous actor, Anthony Hopkins.(在电影《德古拉》中,范·海尔辛由著名演员安东尼·霍普金斯扮演。)

3. Van Helsing is renowned for his vast knowledge of supernatural creatures.(范·海尔辛以他对超自然生物的广泛知识而闻名。)

4. The character of Van Helsing has spawned many adaptations and spin-offs in literature and film.(范·海尔辛这个角色在文学和电影中催生了许多改编和衍生作品。)

5. Van Helsing and his team set out to track down the vampire queen.(范·海尔辛和他的团队出发追踪吸血鬼女王。)

6. The TV series "Van Helsing" follows the adventures of Vanessa Helsing, a descendant of the famous vampire hunter.(电视连续剧《范·海尔辛》讲述了著名吸血鬼猎人后人Vanessa Helsing的冒险故事。)

7. Van Helsing is often depicted as having a fierce determination to rid the world of all evil.(范·海尔辛通常被描绘为有着铁一般决心要消灭世界上所有的邪恶。)

8. Without the knowledge of Van Helsing, the group would not have stood a chance against the vampires.(如果没有范·海尔辛的知识,这个小组在对抗吸血鬼时就没有任何机会。)

9. The character of Van Helsing has become a cultural icon, inspiring countless works of fiction and popular culture.(范·海尔辛这个角色已成为文化偶像,激发了无数作品和流行文化的灵感。)

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