Protarchaeopteryx是什么意思 Protarchaeopteryx的读音、翻译、用法

Protarchaeopteryx是什么意思 Protarchaeopteryx的读音、翻译、用法




1. The discovery of Protarchaeopteryx provided important insights into the evolution of birds. (发现原始始祖鸟为鸟类进化提供了重要的见解。)

2. The scientists believe that the feathers of Protarchaeopteryx may have been used for display rather than flight. (科学家认为原始始祖鸟的羽毛可能是用于展示而不是飞行。)

3. Many paleontologists are interested in studying Protarchaeopteryx because it is a key species in the bird evolution puzzle. (许多古生物学家对研究原始始祖鸟感兴趣,因为它是鸟类进化难题中的一个关键物种。)

4. The skeleton of Protarchaeopteryx shows some characteristics of birds, such as a fused wrist bone. (原始始祖鸟的骨骼显示出一些鸟类的特征,例如融合的腕骨。)

5. The fossils of Protarchaeopteryx were found in the famous Jehol Biota in northeastern China. (原始始祖鸟的化石被发现在中国东北部著名的热河生物群中。)

6. The name Protarchaeopteryx means "first ancient wing" in Greek, reflecting its position as an early bird ancestor. (原始始祖鸟的名称在希腊语中意为“第一种古老的翅膀”,反映了它作为早期鸟类祖先的位置。)

7. The fossils of Protarchaeopteryx are rare and valuable, and many museums around the world have replicas of them. (原始始祖鸟的化石稀有而珍贵,世界各地的许多博物馆都有它们的复制品。)

8. The discovery of Protarchaeopteryx was a major breakthrough in our understanding of the evolution of birds. (发现原始始祖鸟是我们理解鸟类进化的重大突破。)

9. The anatomy of Protarchaeopteryx suggests that it was a fast runner and may have been able to catch small prey. (原始始祖鸟的解剖学表明它是一个快速奔跑者,并且可能能够捕捉小猎物。)

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