Palm Beach是什么意思 Palm Beach的读音、翻译、用法

Palm Beach是什么意思 Palm Beach的读音、翻译、用法

'Palm Beach'不是任何国家的语言,而是指美国佛罗里达州的一个著名旅游胜地,它位于棕榈滩县(Palm Beach County),因此得名。'Palm Beach'的常见翻译为“棕榈滩”,它是一个拥有白色沙滩、高档酒店和豪华别墅的海滨城市,吸引了众多游客前来度假或购物。

以下是含有'Palm Beach'的9个例句:

1. I'm planning a trip to Palm Beach next month to enjoy the sunshine and beaches.(我打算下个月去棕榈滩度假,享受阳光和海滩。)

2. The Palm Beach resort is one of the most luxurious and expensive in the world.(棕榈滩度假村是世界上最豪华、最昂贵的之一。)

3. We visited the famous Worth Avenue shopping district in Palm Beach and bought some designer clothes.(我们参观了棕榈滩著名的沃斯特大街购物区,买了一些设计师服装。)

4. Palm Beach is known for its beautiful palm trees and crystal-clear waters.(棕榈滩以其美丽的棕榈树和清澈的水而著名。)

5. I attended a charity event at the Breakers hotel in Palm Beach and met some famous celebrities.(我在棕榈滩的布雷克斯酒店参加了一场慈善活动,见到了一些著名的名人。)

6. Many retirees choose to spend their golden years in Palm Beach due to its warm climate and relaxed lifestyle.(许多退休者选择在棕榈滩度过他们的黄金岁月,因为那里的气候温暖、生活轻松。)

7. We went on a boat tour of the Palm Beach Intracoastal Waterway and saw some amazing mansions.(我们参加了一次棕榈滩内海水道的船游,看到了一些惊人的豪宅。)

8. The Palm Beach Zoo is home to a wide variety of animals, including lions, tigers, and giraffes.(棕榈滩动物园拥有许多种动物,包括狮子、老虎和长颈鹿。)

9. We had a romantic dinner at a beachfront restaurant in Palm Beach and watched the sunset.(我们在棕榈滩海滨餐厅享受了一顿浪漫晚餐,观看了日落。)

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