Anedonia是什么意思 Anedonia的读音、翻译、用法

Anedonia是什么意思 Anedonia的读音、翻译、用法


常见的翻译包括无乐感、失乐感、无快感等,用法通常是形容一个人的情感状态,例如“The patient has anedonia, he no longer finds pleasure in the things he used to enjoy.”(这位病人处于无乐感状态,他已经不再对曾经喜欢的事物感到愉悦了。)


1. Anedonia is a common symptom of major depression.(无乐感是重度抑郁症的常见症状。)

2. He used to love playing video games, but now he has anedonia and can't even bring himself to turn on the console.(他曾经喜欢玩电子游戏,但现在他失去了乐趣,甚至无法打开游戏机。)

3. The therapist recommended exercise as a way to combat anedonia.(治疗师建议运动是克服无乐感的一种方法。)

4. Anedonia can lead to social withdrawal and isolation.(无乐感可能导致社交退缩和孤立。)

5. Antidepressants may help alleviate anedonia in some patients.(抗抑郁药物可以帮助一些患者缓解无乐感。)

6. Anedonia is not the same as sadness or lack of emotion.(无乐感不同于悲伤或情感缺失。)

7. The exact cause of anedonia is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to changes in brain chemistry.(无乐感的确切原因尚不完全清楚,但被认为与脑化学变化有关。)

8. Anedonia can make it difficult for a person to feel motivated or to engage in activities they once enjoyed.(无乐感可能会让人难以感受到动力或参与他们曾经喜欢的活动。)

9. Therapy that focuses on positive emotions and experiences may be helpful for individuals struggling with anedonia.(侧重于积极情绪和体验的治疗可能对挣扎于无乐感的个体有所帮助。)

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