Nephelium是什么意思 Nephelium的读音、翻译、用法

Nephelium是什么意思 Nephelium的读音、翻译、用法



1. I love eating nephelium, it's so sweet and juicy.(我喜欢吃莲雾,它又甜又多汁。)

2. They grow a lot of nephelium in this region.(这个地区种了很多莲雾。)

3. Nephelium trees need a lot of sunlight and water to grow.(莲雾树需要充足的阳光和水才能生长。)

4. The best time to eat nephelium is when it's in season.(吃莲雾最好是在它的季节里。)

5. Nephelium is a popular fruit in Southeast Asia.(莲雾是东南亚的一种受欢迎的水果。)

6. The farmers harvested a lot of nephelium this year.(农民今年收获了很多莲雾。)

7. My favorite way to eat nephelium is to peel it and eat the flesh inside.(我最喜欢吃莲雾的方法是剥皮然后吃里面的果肉。)

8. Some people call nephelium "rambutan" because of its appearance.(有些人因为莲雾的外观而称它为“红毛丹”。)

9. Nephelium has a high nutritional value and is good for your health.(莲雾营养价值高,对健康有益。)

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