1. Di-iodometano是一种重要的有机化合物,可以用作防腐剂。
Di-iodometano is an important organic compound that can be used as a preservative.
2. 在有机合成中,Di-iodometano经常被用作碘化试剂。
In organic synthesis, Di-iodometano is often used as an iodinating reagent.
3. Di-iodometano是一种官能团化试剂,可以将原有的官能团转换为碘代基。
Di-iodometano is a functionalizing reagent that can convert existing functional groups into iodine substituents.
4. Di-iodometano可以用于制备不饱和化合物和烯烃。
Di-iodometano can be used to prepare unsaturated compounds and olefins.
5. Di-iodometano是一种紫色液体,具有刺激性气味。
Di-iodometano is a purple liquid with a pungent odor.
6. Di-iodometano可以与碳氢化合物反应,生成碘代化合物。
Di-iodometano can react with hydrocarbons to produce iodinated compounds.
7. Di-iodometano是一种有毒的化合物,应当小心使用。
Di-iodometano is a toxic compound and should be used with caution.
8. Di-iodometano可以用于制备含碘的药物和生物分子标记物。
Di-iodometano can be used to prepare iodine-containing drugs and biological molecular markers.
9. Di-iodometano通常用于医学实验室中,用于检测某些生物分子的存在。
Di-iodometano is commonly used in medical laboratories for detection of certain biomolecules.