Atomaria linearis是什么意思 Atomaria linearis的读音、翻译、用法

Atomaria linearis是什么意思 Atomaria linearis的读音、翻译、用法

'Atomaria linearis'是拉丁语,是一种昆虫的学名,中文翻译为“线性蚤金龟”。

这种昆虫主要分布在欧洲地区,包括英国、法国、德国等国家。它们通常栖息在潮湿的环境中,如树木、落叶堆等。'Atomaria linearis'是一种非常小的昆虫,只有约2毫米长,身体呈黑色或深棕色,身上有很多的细节和花纹。

以下是9个含有'Atomaria linearis'的例句:

1. The 'Atomaria linearis' is a species of beetle found in the forests of France.('Atomaria linearis'是在法国森林中发现的一种甲虫。)

2. Scientists recently discovered a new subspecies of 'Atomaria linearis' in Germany.(科学家最近在德国发现了一种新的'Atomaria linearis'亚种。)

3. The larvae of the 'Atomaria linearis' feed on decaying plant matter.('Atomaria linearis'的幼虫以腐烂的植物物质为食。)

4. The 'Atomaria linearis' can be difficult to spot due to its small size and camouflage coloring.(因为'Atomaria linearis'非常小且具有伪装颜色,因此很难被发现。)

5. 'Atomaria linearis' are often used as a model organism in scientific research.(科学研究中经常使用'Atomaria linearis'作为模式生物。)

6. The 'Atomaria linearis' is a common pest in fruit orchards.('Atomaria linearis'是果园中常见的害虫。)

7. Researchers are studying the mating behavior of 'Atomaria linearis' in order to better understand their reproductive strategies.(研究人员正在研究'Atomaria linearis'的交配行为,以更好地了解它们的繁殖策略。)

8. The 'Atomaria linearis' is just one of many species of beetles found in the UK.('Atomaria linearis'只是在英国发现的众多甲虫物种中的一种。)

9. The 'Atomaria linearis' has a relatively short lifespan, surviving for only a few weeks as an adult.('Atomaria linearis'的成年期只有几周,寿命相对较短。)

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