Cleaning是什么意思 Cleaning的读音、翻译、用法

Cleaning是什么意思 Cleaning的读音、翻译、用法




1. I spent the morning cleaning the house.(我花了上午时间打扫了房子。)

2. We need to hire a professional cleaning service for the office.(我们需要雇佣一家专业的办公清洁服务公司。)

3. The bathroom needs a good cleaning.(浴室需要进行深度清洁。)

4. The cleaning products are in the cupboard under the sink.(清洁用品在水槽下的橱柜里。)

5. She put on her gloves and got to work cleaning the oven.(她戴上手套开始清洁烤箱。)

6. The cleaning staff come in to tidy up the hotel rooms every morning.(每天早上清洁工人会进来整理酒店客房。)

7. He always wears a mask when he's cleaning the moldy walls.(他在清洁发霉的墙壁时总是戴着口罩。)

8. The cleaning lady forgot to empty the trash cans yesterday.(昨天清洁女工忘记清空垃圾桶了。)

9. They are using eco-friendly cleaning products to reduce their carbon footprint.(他们使用环保清洁产品以减少碳排放。)

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