Big Mac是什么意思 Big Mac的读音、翻译、用法

Big Mac是什么意思 Big Mac的读音、翻译、用法

'Big Mac'是美国的词语,翻译成中文为“巨无霸汉堡”。它是麦当劳餐厅最经典、最受欢迎的一个汉堡种类,由两个牛肉饼、起司片、脆生菜、特制汉堡酱和芝麻面包构成。

以下是9个含有'Big Mac'的例句:

1. I want to order a Big Mac, fries, and a Coke. (我想要一份巨无霸汉堡、薯条和可乐。)

2. The Big Mac was first introduced in 1967. (巨无霸汉堡最初亮相是在xx年。)

3. She always adds extra pickles to her Big Mac. (她总是在她的巨无霸汉堡上加额外的酸黄瓜。)

4. The Big Mac sauce is a secret recipe. (巨无霸汉堡酱是一种秘密配方。)

5. He ate a Big Mac every day for a week. (他连续一周每天都吃一份巨无霸汉堡。)

6. The Big Mac meal includes a drink and fries. (巨无霸汉堡套餐包括一杯饮料和薯条。)

7. The Big Mac has become an iconic fast-food item. (巨无霸汉堡已成为一个标志性的快餐食品。)

8. Do you prefer the Big Mac or the Quarter Pounder with Cheese? (你更喜欢巨无霸汉堡还是带芝士的四分之一磅汉堡?)

9. She always orders a Big Mac without onions. (她总是要一份去掉洋葱的巨无霸汉堡。)

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