Megaderma lyra是什么意思 Megaderma lyra的读音、翻译、用法

Megaderma lyra是什么意思 Megaderma lyra的读音、翻译、用法

'Megaderma lyra'是拉丁语,意为大噪翼蝠。它是一种中型蝙蝠,分布于印度和东南亚。


1. 這隻大噪翼蝠是馬來西亞的特有種類。

This Megaderma lyra is an endemic species in Malaysia.

2. 大噪翼蝠的翅膀很大,因此它們可以飛得很遠。

Megaderma lyra has large wings which allow them to fly far distances.

3. 大噪翼蝠只在夜間活動。

Megaderma lyra is only active at night.

4. 大噪翼蝠的視力不佳,但聽覺和嗅覺很敏銳。

Megaderma lyra has poor eyesight, but they have a keen sense of hearing and smell.

5. 大噪翼蝠是果蝠科的一種,很喜歡吃水果。

Megaderma lyra is a species of fruit bat and they enjoy eating fruits.

6. 大噪翼蝠是印度次大陆的一種蝙蝠。

Megaderma lyra is a bat species found in the Indian subcontinent.

7. 大噪翼蝠的翅膀上有很多獨特的斑點。

Megaderma lyra has many unique spots on its wings.

8. 大噪翼蝠是一種重要的體內寄生蟲的寄主。

Megaderma lyra is an important host for internal parasites.

9. 大噪翼蝠是一種受到保護的物種,因為它們的數量正在逐漸下降。

Megaderma lyra is a protected species, as its population is gradually decreasing.

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