1. 'Music hall'是英国的词语,翻译成中文为“音乐厅”。它是指19世纪末到20世纪初在英国流行的一种表演形式,包括歌唱、舞蹈、相声、魔术等各种艺术表现形式,是英国民间艺术的一种体现。
2. 我们去音乐厅听音乐会。
We went to the music hall to listen to the concert.
3. 那家音乐厅已经开业有一百年了。
That music hall has been in operation for 100 years.
4. 音乐厅里的表演非常精彩。
The performance in the music hall was very exciting.
5. 在音乐厅里我学会了跳华尔兹。
I learned to dance the waltz in the music hall.
6. 这座音乐厅是市中心最具历史价值的建筑之一。
This music hall is one of the most historically significant buildings in the city center.
7. 音乐厅的工作人员都非常友好。
The staff at the music hall were all very friendly.
8. 这个音乐厅经常举办各种文化活动。
This music hall frequently holds various cultural events.
9. 音乐厅里的演出非常受欢迎,票很难买。
The performances in the music hall are very popular and tickets are hard to come by.