'Pogona vitticeps'是拉丁文,意为“条纹脊背蜥蜴”,通常用于指代著名的宠物蜥蜴——中央犬舌龙。这种蜥蜴通常生活在澳大利亚的荒漠地区。
1. The Pogona vitticeps is a popular pet lizard among reptile enthusiasts.(Pogona vitticeps是爬行动物爱好者中受欢迎的宠物蜥蜴)
2. The Pogona vitticeps is known for its docile temperament and striking appearance.(Pogona vitticeps以其温顺的性情和惊艳的外貌而闻名)
3. Many pet stores sell Pogona vitticeps as an exotic pet option.(许多宠物商店销售Pogona vitticeps作为异国情调的宠物选择)
4. Pogona vitticeps can grow up to 60 cm in length.(Pogona vitticeps可长达60厘米)
5. The Pogona vitticeps is a diurnal animal that is active during the day.(Pogona vitticeps是一种在白天活跃的动物)
6. The Pogona vitticeps is a omnivorous lizard that eats both insects and vegetables.(Pogona vitticeps是一种杂食性蜥蜴,可以吃昆虫和蔬菜)
7. The natural habitat of Pogona vitticeps is the arid land of Australia.(Pogona vitticeps的天然栖息地是澳大利亚的干旱地带)
8. Pogona vitticeps is also known as the bearded dragon due to the spiny projections under its throat.(Pogona vitticeps因喉部下方的棘状突起而被称为胡须龙)
9. Pogona vitticeps is a popular exhibit in many zoos around the world.(Pogona vitticeps是世界各地许多动物园受欢迎的展品)