1. Hyalomma marginatum 蜱虫是一种寄生在牲畜和人类身上的血吸虫。(中文:Hyalomma marginatum is a tick that parasitizes on livestock and humans, and it can transmit diseases.)
2. 透明蜱的传播范围极广,可能会对人类和动物的健康造成严重威胁。(中文:The transmission range of Hyalomma ticks is very wide, and they may pose a serious threat to the health of humans and animals.)
3. 透明蜱在欧洲和非洲的携带的罕见病毒已经引起了人们的高度关注。(中文:The rare viruses carried by Hyalomma ticks in Europe and Africa have attracted high attention.)
4. 在亚洲和非洲,透明蜱袭击野生动物已成为严重问题。(中文:In Asia and Africa, the attack of Hyalomma ticks on wildlife has become a serious problem.)
5. 透明蜱对家禽健康的威胁已经牵动了许多农场主的心。(中文:The threat of Hyalomma ticks to poultry health has troubled many farmers.)
6. 透明蜱被认为是刚果热等重要疾病的传播媒介。(中文:Hyalomma ticks are considered to be vectors for important diseases such as Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.)
7. 对于人类和动物健康的威胁,透明蜱应该得到足够的重视和控制。(中文:Sufficient attention and control should be given to Hyalomma ticks due to their threat to human and animal health.)
8. 透明蜱在欧洲的分布范围正在扩大,这可能会导致更多的疾病传播。(中文:The distribution of Hyalomma ticks in Europe is expanding, which may lead to more disease transmission.)
9. 研究者正在努力寻找控制透明蜱的方法,以减少其对人类和动物的威胁。(中文:Researchers are striving to find ways to control Hyalomma ticks to reduce their threat to humans and animals.)