descensional是什么意思 descensional的读音、翻译、用法

descensional是什么意思 descensional的读音、翻译、用法



- 下降的、降低的

- 降临的、降下的




1. The descensional spiral of the airplane was terrifying. (飞机的下降螺旋令人惊恐。)

2. The price of oil has been on a descensional trend since the beginning of the year. (自年初以来,油价一直处于下降趋势。)

3. The descensional movement of the elevator is smooth and quiet. (电梯的下降运动非常平稳、安静。)

4. The descensional pressure of the water caused the seal to break. (水的下降压力导致密封件破裂。)

5. The descensional temperature made her feel chilly. (下降的气温让她感到寒冷。)

6. The descensional velocity of the car was so great that it couldn't stop in time. (汽车的下降速度非常快,无法及时停下来。)

7. The descensional force of gravity makes objects fall to the ground. (重力的下降力使物体落到地面上。)

8. The descensional position of the sun in the sky indicates the time of day. (太阳在天空中的下降位置表明了一天中的时间。)

9. The descensional trend of the economy is a cause for concern. (经济的下降趋势令人担忧。)

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