Boehmeria是什么意思 Boehmeria的读音、翻译、用法

Boehmeria是什么意思 Boehmeria的读音、翻译、用法



1. Boehmeria nivea是一种经济作物,其纤维可以用来纺织。

(Boehmeria nivea is an economically important crop, and its fibers can be used for weaving.)

2. 这种苎麻属植物是亚热带地区的常见植物。

(This Boehmeria plant is a common plant in subtropical regions.)

3. Boehmeria pannosa的果实可以食用,味道类似草莓。

(The fruit of Boehmeria pannosa is edible and tastes like strawberries.)

4. 研究表明,苎麻属植物的根部可以降低土壤中的污染物浓度。

(Studies have shown that the roots of Boehmeria plants can reduce the concentration of pollutants in soil.)

5. 在民间医学中,苎麻叶可以用来治疗风湿和痛经等症状。

(In folk medicine, Boehmeria leaves can be used to treat symptoms such as rheumatism and menstrual cramps.)

6. Boehmeria caudata是一种高温耐旱的植物。

(Boehmeria caudata is a drought-tolerant plant that can withstand high temperatures.)

7. 苎麻属植物的根皮可以用来制作中药。

(The root bark of Boehmeria plants can be used to make traditional Chinese medicine.)

8. Boehmeria jamaicensis是一种四季常绿的植物,很适合用来做生态绿化。

(Boehmeria jamaicensis is an evergreen plant that is suitable for use in ecological greening.)

9. 烤制后,苎麻属植物的种子可以当做咖啡豆来饮用。

(After roasting, the seeds of Boehmeria plants can be consumed as a coffee bean substitute.)

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