BVD是什么意思 BVD的读音、翻译、用法

BVD是什么意思 BVD的读音、翻译、用法

'BVD'是英语缩写词,全称为Bovine Viral Diarrhea,意为牛病毒性腹泻。BVD是一种常见的病毒性疾病,它可以影响牛的胃肠道、呼吸系统、繁殖系统、免疫系统等部位,导致牛的生长发育退化、产量下降、免疫力降低、易感染其他疾病等问题。


1. BVD is a significant concern of cattle farmers in many countries.(BVD是许多国家牛养殖户的重大关注点。)

2. We need to take strict measures to prevent the outbreak of BVD in our herd.(我们需要采取严格措施防止我们的牛群出现BVD的爆发。)

3. BVD is caused by the bovine viral diarrhea virus.(BVD是由牛病毒性腹泻病毒引起的。)

4. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent BVD.(疫苗接种是预防BVD的有效方法。)

5. The symptoms of BVD vary in severity from mild to severe.(BVD的症状轻重不一,从轻微到严重。)

6. BVD can be transmitted through contact with infected animals, contaminated feed or water, or fomites.(BVD可以通过接触感染动物、污染的饲料或水源以及带菌物传播。)

7. Testing for BVD is an important part of herd health management.(对BVD进行检测是牛群健康管理的重要组成部分。)

8. It's essential to isolate and treat infected animals promptly to prevent the spread of BVD.(及时隔离和治疗感染的动物是防止BVD传播的关键。)

9. The economic losses caused by BVD can be significant, including decreased milk production, reduced fertility, and increased mortality.(BVD造成的经济损失可以很大,包括牛奶产量下降、生育能力降低和死亡率增加等。)

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