galactitol是什么意思 galactitol的读音、翻译、用法

galactitol是什么意思 galactitol的读音、翻译、用法



1. Galactitol is a sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables. (半乳糖醇存在于许多水果和蔬菜中。)

2. Galactitol can be used as a sweetener in low-calorie food and drink products. (半乳糖醇可以用作低热量食品和饮料产品的甜味剂。)

3. The body cannot digest galactitol, making it a good sugar substitute for diabetics. (身体无法消化半乳糖醇,使其成为糖尿病患者的良好糖替代品。)

4. Galactitol has been shown to have a lower glycemic index than sugar. (半乳糖醇的血糖指数比糖低。)

5. When galactitol is consumed in large amounts, it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. (当大量摄入半乳糖醇时,可能会引起胃肠不适。)

6. Galactitol is also used in some cosmetic products as a moisturizer. (半乳糖醇也被用作某些化妆品的保湿剂。)

7. Studies have shown that galactitol may have potential health benefits, such as reducing the risk of dental caries. (研究表明,半乳糖醇可能具有潜在的健康益处,如降低龋齿的风险。)

8. The production of galactitol can be achieved by chemical synthesis or by fermentation of lactose. (半乳糖醇的生产可以通过化学合成或乳糖发酵来实现。)

9. Galactitol is a type of sugar alcohol that is commonly used in sugar-free gum and candies. (半乳糖醇是一种常用于无糖口香糖和糖果中的糖醇。)

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