show biz是什么意思 show biz的读音、翻译、用法

show biz是什么意思 show biz的读音、翻译、用法

'show biz'并不是某个国家的语言,而是英语中的一个俚语,用于描述娱乐业或娱乐圈。它是由show business的前两个单词组成的缩略词,通常用于描述与娱乐相关的行业或活动。




1. I want to work in show biz and become a famous singer.(我想进入娱乐圈成为一名著名歌手。)

2. The show biz industry is so competitive, it's hard to make a name for yourself.(娱乐界竞争如此激烈,很难为自己赢得声誉。)

3. John has been working in show biz for over 10 years now.(约翰已经在娱乐圈工作了10多年了。)

4. The Oscars are the biggest night in show biz.(奥斯卡是娱乐界最大的夜晚。)

5. I love watching reality TV shows about the lives of people in show biz.(我喜欢看有关娱乐圈人士生活的真人秀节目。)

6. The show biz world can be very cutthroat and ruthless.(娱乐圈世界可能非常残酷和无情。)

7. Jane is trying to break into show biz with her acting skills.(简正在尝试用她的表演技能闯入娱乐圈。)

8. The paparazzi are always following famous people in show biz.(狗仔队总是跟踪娱乐圈的名人。)

9. The show biz industry has changed a lot with the rise of social media.(随着社交媒体的兴起,娱乐界发生了很大的变化。)

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