Animatronica是什么意思 Animatronica的读音、翻译、用法

Animatronica是什么意思 Animatronica的读音、翻译、用法



1. This museum exhibit features an amazing animatronica display of a life-sized T-Rex. 这个博物馆展示区展示了一个惊人的真人大小的暴龙机器人模型。

2. The animatronica characters in the Disney theme park are so lifelike, it's almost eerie. 迪士尼主题公园里的机器人角色太逼真了,几乎让人不寒而栗。

3. The animatronica show at the science museum is a great way to learn about robotics and engineering. 科学博物馆里的机器人表演是了解机器人技术和工程学知识的好方法。

4. The animatronica dragon at the fantasy film festival was a crowd favorite. 幻想电影节上的机械龙是观众的最爱。

5. The animatronica puppets used in the theater production were a major highlight of the show. 剧场制作中使用的机械木偶是这场演出的一个重要亮点。

6. The animatronica sculptures at the art museum are a unique blend of art and technology. 艺术博物馆里的机器雕塑是艺术和科技的独特结合。

7. The animatronica exhibit at the science fair was a hit with kids and adults alike. 科学展览中的机器人展览深受大人小孩喜爱。

8. The animatronica animals in the zoo exhibit were so realistic, some visitors thought they were real. 动物园展览区里的机械动物如此逼真,一些游客还以为它们是真的。

9. The animatronica characters in the amusement park ride were the highlight of the attraction. 游乐园里的机器人角色是最吸引人的地方。

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