utricular是什么意思 utricular的读音、翻译、用法

utricular是什么意思 utricular的读音、翻译、用法



1. Utricular半环是由Utricular囊和三个半规管构成的。

(The utricular semicircular canal is composed of the utricular sac and three semicircular canals.)

2. Utricular是内耳的一个组成部分,含有神经元和毛细胞。

(The utricular is a component of the inner ear, containing neurons and hair cells.)

3. Utricular内含有细胞分泌液体,对于平衡功能至关重要。

(The utricular contains cells that secrete fluids and are essential for balance function.)

4. Utricular囊在震动时会产生电信号,这对于平衡器官的研究非常有用。

(The utricular sac produces electrical signals during vibration, which is useful for studying balance organs.)

5. Cuellar和Schwartz使用椭圆囊的不同形态来研究人耳的进化历史。

(Cuellar and Schwartz used the different shapes of the utricular sac to study the evolutionary history of the human ear.)

6. Utricular的发育异常会导致平衡功能紊乱。

(Abnormal development of the utricular can lead to balance dysfunction.)

7. 在解剖学中,Utricular囊通常被认为是位于内耳的平衡感受器。

(In anatomy, the utricular sac is commonly considered as the balance receptor located in the inner ear.)

8. Utricular囊的结构和位置对于平衡感觉的敏感度有很大影响。

(The structure and position of the utricular sac have a significant impact on the sensitivity of the balance sensation.)

9. Utricular囊被认为是内耳中最重要的感觉器官之一,帮助我们维持身体的平衡。

(The utricular sac is considered as one of the most important sensory organs in the inner ear, helping us maintain our body balance.)

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