Maxwell Anderson是什么意思 Maxwell Anderson的读音、翻译、用法

Maxwell Anderson是什么意思 Maxwell Anderson的读音、翻译、用法

Maxwell Anderson是英语中的一个名字,中文意思是马克斯韦尔·安德森。他是20世纪美国最著名的戏剧作家之一,也是美国剧院界的重要人物。

以下是含有Maxwell Anderson的9个例句:

1. Maxwell Anderson's play "Winterset" was a great success on Broadway.(马克斯韦尔·安德森的剧本《Winterset》在百老汇大获成功。)

2. Many of Maxwell Anderson's plays explore themes of justice and morality.(马克斯韦尔·安德森的许多戏剧都探讨了正义和道德的主题。)

3. The Maxwell Anderson Theater in New York City is named after the playwright.(纽约市的马克斯韦尔·安德森剧院是以这位剧作家的名字命名的。)

4. Maxwell Anderson won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1933 for his play "Both Your Houses".(马克斯韦尔·安德森因他的剧本《两座房子》而在xx年获得了普利策戏剧奖。)

5. "Anne of the Thousand Days" by Maxwell Anderson is based on the historical figure Anne Boleyn.(马克斯韦尔·安德森的《千日安妮》是以历史人物安妮·布莱恩为基础的。)

6. Maxwell Anderson's play "High Tor" was adapted into a musical in the 1950s.(马克斯韦尔·安德森的剧本《High Tor》在xx年代改编成了一部音乐剧。)

7. Maxwell Anderson served as the president of the Authors Guild from 1953 to 1955.(马克斯韦尔·安德森于xx年至xx年担任作家协会的主席。)

8. The characters in Maxwell Anderson's plays are often complex and multi-dimensional.(马克斯韦尔·安德森戏剧中的角色经常是复杂且多维的。)

9. Maxwell Anderson was a prolific writer who wrote over 30 plays during his lifetime.(马克斯韦尔·安德森是一位多产的作家,他一生写了30多部戏剧。)

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