Sebastes是什么意思 Sebastes的读音、翻译、用法

Sebastes是什么意思 Sebastes的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sebastes是一种非常受欢迎的海鲜,尤其在北美地区食用。

(Sebastes is a popular type of seafood, especially in North America.)

2. Sebastes属于鲈形目鱼类中的一种,具有鲜明的红色外观和肉质口感。

(Sebastes is a type of fish in the order of Perciformes, with distinct red appearance and meaty texture.)

3. 这家餐厅的Sebastes真是太好吃了,口感丰富,鲜美可口。

(The Sebastes at this restaurant is delicious, with a rich and tasty flavor.)

4. Sebastes的营养价值很高,富含蛋白质和Omega-3脂肪酸。

(Sebastes has a high nutritional value, containing plenty of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.)

5. Sebastes的价格相对较高,这是由于其生长速度缓慢,需经过特定的捕捞和处理方法。

(Sebastes is relatively expensive due to its slow growth and the need for specific fishing and handling methods.)

6. Sebastes是太平洋地区的一种海鱼,也称为“石斑鱼”或“石锅鱼”。

(Sebastes is a type of fish in the Pacific region, also known as "rockfish" or "rock cod".)

7. 在美国加州海岸,游客可以前往海边捕捞Sebastes,体验海钓的乐趣。

(On the California coast in the United States, tourists can go fishing for Sebastes and enjoy the fun of sea fishing.)

8. Sebastes在中国市场上也有一定的销售量,被认为是高档海鲜之一。

(Sebastes also has a certain sales volume in the Chinese market and is considered as one of the premium seafood.)

9. Sebastes的外观很像红鱼,但是味道更加鲜美,因此备受海鲜爱好者的喜爱。

(Sebastes looks similar to red fish, but it is even more delicious and is loved by seafood enthusiasts.)

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