1. The piper played a beautiful tune for the wedding. (风笛手为婚礼演奏了一曲美妙的乐曲。)
2. The famous Scottish piper wore a traditional kilt. (著名的苏格兰风笛手穿着传统的苏格兰裙。)
3. Piper nigrum is the scientific name for black pepper. (Piper nigrum是黑胡椒的科学名称。)
4. The recipe calls for a pinch of piperine to add some spice. (这个食谱需要加入一点辣椒素,以增添一些调味料。)
5. He piped a tune on his whistle for the children. (他在口哨上吹奏着一曲儿童曲。)
6. The restaurant uses Piper methysticum, or kava, in some of its cocktails. (餐厅在一些鸡尾酒中使用Piper methysticum,也称为kava。)
7. The piper led the parade through the streets of the town. (风笛手带领着游行队伍穿过镇上的街道。)
8. Piperaceae is the family of plants that includes pepper and kava. (Piperaceae是包括胡椒和kava在内的植物家族。)
9. The piper added a touch of cayenne pepper to the soup for a little heat. (风笛手在汤中加入了一点辣椒粉,增添了一些辣味。)