Cathaya是什么意思 Cathaya的读音、翻译、用法

Cathaya是什么意思 Cathaya的读音、翻译、用法




1. The ancient texts from Cathaya tell the stories of great dynasties and emperors.(来自中原的古文献讲述了伟大的朝代和皇帝的故事。)

2. The merchant brought exotic goods from Cathaya, including silk and porcelain.(商人从中原带来了异国情调的货物,包括丝绸和瓷器。)

3. The kings of Cathaya were known for their wisdom and benevolence.(中原的国王以其智慧和仁慈而著名。)

4. The scholars of Cathaya were renowned for their knowledge of Confucianism.(中原的学者以对儒家学说的知识而闻名。)

5. Marco Polo traveled to Cathaya, where he marveled at the grandeur of the imperial palace.(马可波罗前往中原,在那里他惊叹于皇宫的壮丽。)

6. The Cathayan people were known for their skills in calligraphy and painting.(中原人以其书画技巧而闻名。)

7. The emperor of Cathaya ruled over a vast empire, stretching from the Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean.(中原的皇帝统治着一个广阔的帝国,从喜马拉雅山到太平洋。)

8. The Cathayan language is one of the most difficult for westerners to learn.(对西方人来说,中原语言是最难学的之一。)

9. The philosopher Confucius is one of the most important figures in Cathayan history.(哲学家孔子是中原历史上最重要的人物之一。)

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