Dorthonion是什么意思 Dorthonion的读音、翻译、用法

Dorthonion是什么意思 Dorthonion的读音、翻译、用法




1. The armies of Morgoth marched upon Dorthonion, intent on destruction.(莫尔戈斯的军队向多思尼安进军,意图毁灭。)

2. The elves of Dorthonion fought bravely against the orc hordes.(多思尼安的精灵勇敢地对抗兽人军团。)

3. Turin Turambar traveled through Dorthonion on his quest for vengeance.(图林·杜瑞特穿越多思尼安,寻找复仇。)

4. The forests of Dorthonion were once green and lush, but now they are dark and haunted.(多思尼安的森林曾经翠绿茂盛,但现在变得阴森可怖。)

5. Beleg Strongbow was a renowned archer who hailed from Dorthonion.(贝莱格·强弓是一个著名的弓箭手,来自多思尼安。)

6. The dwarves of Dorthonion were known for their skill in crafting weapons and armor.(多思尼安的矮人以制作武器和盔甲的技艺闻名。)

7. The orcs of Angband launched a surprise attack on Dorthonion, catching the defenders off guard.(安格班德的兽人对多思尼安发动了突袭,让防御者措手不及。)

8. Eol, the dark elf of Dorthonion, was a master of swordsmanship.(多思尼安的黑暗精灵埃奥尔是一位剑术大师。)

9. The Battle of Dorthonion was a catastrophic defeat for the free peoples of Middle-earth.(多思尼安之战是中土大陆自由民族的可怕失败。)

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