Pb是什么意思 Pb的读音、翻译、用法

Pb是什么意思 Pb的读音、翻译、用法





1. Pb在常温下是一种柔软的金属,具有较好的韧性和抗腐蚀性。(中文翻译:At room temperature, Pb is a soft metal with good ductility and corrosion resistance.)

2. 由于Pb对于放射线的吸收能力很强,因此常用于防护和屏蔽等领域。(中文翻译:Due to its strong ability to absorb radiation, Pb is often used in fields such as protection and shielding.)

3. Pb可以形成许多化合物,如铅酸、氧化铅等。(中文翻译:Pb can form many compounds, such as lead acid and lead oxide.)

4. 研究发现,Pb污染对于人体健康有很大的危害。(中文翻译:Studies have found that Pb pollution poses a great threat to human health.)

5. Pb是一种重金属,长期暴露于环境中会对生态系统产生不可逆的影响。(中文翻译:Pb is a heavy metal that can have irreversible effects on ecosystems when exposed to the environment for a long time.)

6. 对于Pb的控制和治理,需要采取有效的技术和政策手段。(中文翻译:Effective technologies and policy measures are needed to control and manage Pb.)

7. Pb的含量超标会导致水源的污染,对于饮用水安全造成威胁。(中文翻译:Excessive levels of Pb can contaminate water sources and pose a threat to drinking water safety.)

8. 在电子行业中,Pb-free已成为一个重要的话题,以保护环境和人类健康。(中文翻译:In the electronics industry, Pb-free has become an important topic in order to protect the environment and human health.)

9. Pb的存在会影响儿童智力发育,因此需要加强对于儿童的保护和预防工作。(中文翻译:The presence of Pb can affect the intellectual development of children, so it is necessary to strengthen protection and prevention work for children.)

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