rime是什么意思 rime的读音、翻译、用法

rime是什么意思 rime的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'rime'是英语词语,中文翻译为“霜”。

2. 'rime'的英语释义为指在寒冷的天气下,水汽凝结成的霜冻。

3. 例句1:The tree branches were covered in rime. (树枝上覆盖着霜。)

4. 例句2:The windows were frosted with rime. (窗户上结了霜。)

5. 例句3:I slipped on the rime-covered sidewalk. (我在覆盖着霜的人行道上滑倒了。)

6. 例句4:The grass was white with rime. (草地上结了白霜。)

7. 例句5:The car's windshield was obscured by rime. (汽车挡风玻璃被霜遮住了。)

8. 例句6:The leaves on the trees were coated in rime. (树上的叶子被霜覆盖了。)

9. 例句7:The rime on the road made driving dangerous. (路上的霜让开车变得危险。)

10. 例句8:The rime on the roof melted in the sun. (屋顶上的霜在太阳下融化了。)

11. 例句9:The mountain peak was shrouded in rime. (山峰被白霜覆盖了。)

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