1. The company's strategy is to focus on conversional products that can be transformed into new markets. (公司的策略是专注于可转换成新市场的转换性产品。)
2. The software provides a conversional tool that allows users to switch between different file formats. (该软件提供了一种转换性工具,允许用户在不同的文件格式之间切换。)
3. The car manufacturer has invested heavily in developing conversional technology to reduce emissions. (汽车制造商在开发转换性技术以减少排放方面投入了大量资金。)
4. The company's sales team focused on conversional tactics to turn potential customers into loyal customers. (公司的销售团队专注于转换性策略,将潜在客户转化为忠实客户。)
5. The software has a conversional feature that allows users to translate text into different languages. (该软件具有一种转换性功能,允许用户将文本翻译成不同的语言。)
6. The company's marketing campaign used conversional messages to persuade customers to purchase their products. (公司的营销活动使用转换性信息说服客户购买他们的产品。)
7. The hotel's renovation included conversional upgrades to make the rooms more comfortable for guests. (酒店的翻新包括转换性升级,使客房更加舒适。)
8. The company's focus on conversional growth has led to increased profits and market share. (公司对转换性增长的关注导致了利润和市场份额的增加。)
9. The app has a conversional function that allows users to switch between different modes of operation. (该应用程序具有一种转换性功能,允许用户在不同的操作模式之间切换。)