1. 南传佛教徒相信,Maitreya将会成为下一位佛陀,他将临在这个世界给予众生智慧和救渡。
(Southern Buddhists believe that Maitreya will be the next Buddha, who will come to this world to give wisdom and salvation to sentient beings.)
2. 在佛教文化中,Maitreya被描绘成一位高大的菩萨,坐在莲花上,带着放松和慈爱的微笑。
(In Buddhist culture, Maitreya is depicted as a tall bodhisattva seated on a lotus with a serene and compassionate smile.)
3. Maitreya被认为是慈悲和爱的化身,他将在未来带来和平、智慧和福祉。
(Maitreya is considered as an embodiment of compassion and love, who will bring peace, wisdom, and well-being in the future.)
4. 一些佛教寺庙中有Maitreya的雕像,人们前来朝拜,寻求他的加持和保佑。
(Some Buddhist temples have statues of Maitreya where people come to worship and seek his blessings and protection.)
5. 佛教信徒相信,Maitreya将降临到这个世界,成为新的佛陀,他将带来真理和教诲。
(Buddhist believers believe that Maitreya will come to this world as the new Buddha, who will bring truth and teachings.)
6. Maitreya被认为是所有佛教菩萨中最有爱心和慈悲心的。
(Maitreya is considered the most loving and compassionate among all Buddhist bodhisattvas.)
7. 佛教经典中提到,Maitreya拥有无穷无尽的智慧、真理和慈悲。
(Buddhist scriptures mention that Maitreya possesses boundless wisdom, truth, and compassion.)
8. 佛教徒相信,Maitreya的降临将是大劫难过后众生的拯救。
(Buddhists believe that Maitreya's descent will be the salvation of sentient beings after the great calamity.)
9. Maitreya被认为是三界众生中最值得尊敬、最具慈悲心的化身。
(Maitreya is regarded as the most respectable and compassionate incarnation among all sentient beings in the three realms.)