Endeavour是什么意思 Endeavour的读音、翻译、用法

Endeavour是什么意思 Endeavour的读音、翻译、用法



1. She endeavoured to finish the project before the deadline.(她努力在截止日期之前完成了这个项目。)

2. The team endeavours to provide the best service for their customers.(团队努力为客户提供最好的服务。)

3. He endeavoured to learn a new language in his spare time.(他努力在业余时间学习一门新语言。)

4. The company endeavours to reduce its carbon footprint.(该公司努力减少其碳排放量。)

5. Despite many challenges, he endeavoured to achieve his goals.(尽管面临许多挑战,他还是努力实现了他的目标。)

6. The students were praised for their endeavour and determination.(学生们因为他们的努力和决心而受到赞扬。)

7. The team showed great endeavour in the face of adversity.(团队在逆境中展现出了巨大的努力。)

8. The company's endeavour to create a sustainable future is commendable.(该公司为创建可持续的未来而努力是值得称赞的。)

9. The athlete's endeavour to break the world record was successful.(这位运动员努力打破世界纪录获得了成功。)

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