MBDA Exocet是什么意思 MBDA Exocet的读音、翻译、用法

MBDA Exocet是什么意思 MBDA Exocet的读音、翻译、用法

'MBDA Exocet'是英语词汇。它是一种导弹系统,由欧洲导弹公司(MBDA)生产。它可以从地面、飞机或舰船发射,可用于反舰攻击任务,是一种可靠的反舰导弹系统。

以下是9个含有'MBDA Exocet'的例句:

1. The Argentine Navy used MBDA Exocet missiles during the Falklands War.(阿根廷海军在福克兰战争期间使用了MBDA Exocet导弹。)

2. The MBDA Exocet is widely considered to be one of the most effective anti-ship missile systems in the world.(MBDA Exocet被广泛认为是世界上最有效的反舰导弹系统之一。)

3. The French Navy has been using MBDA Exocet missiles since the 1970s.(自xx年代以来,法国海军一直在使用MBDA Exocet导弹。)

4. The MBDA Exocet has a range of up to 180 kilometers.(MBDA Exocet的射程可达180公里。)

5. The MBDA Exocet can be launched from both submarines and surface ships.(MBDA Exocet可以从潜艇和水面舰艇上发射。)

6. The Indian Navy has successfully test-fired MBDA Exocet missiles.(印度海军成功进行了MBDA Exocet导弹试射。)

7. The MBDA Exocet has the ability to perform evasive maneuvers during its flight.(MBDA Exocet在飞行过程中具有进行躲避机动的能力。)

8. The British Royal Navy used MBDA Exocet missiles during the Falklands War.(英国皇家海军在福克兰海战中使用了MBDA Exocet导弹。)

9. The MBDA Exocet was first introduced in 1975.(MBDA Exocet首次推出于xx年。)

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