1. Insecta是昆虫门中的一个taxa,包括了许多不同的昆虫物种。(Insecta is a taxa within the class of insects, which includes many different species.)
2. 植物学家在研究植物种类时会使用不同的taxa。(Botanists use different taxa when studying plant species.)
3. 这个新物种的taxa还没有被确定。(The taxa of this new species has not yet been determined.)
4. 用户可以按照taxa来搜索不同的动物物种。(Users can search for different animal species according to taxa.)
5. 包括哪些taxa属于鸟类门? (Which taxa belong to the class of Aves?)
6. 有些taxa是由相似的形态、分子或遗传特征来区分的。(Some taxa are distinguished by similar morphological, molecular or genetic characteristics.)
7. 在taxa的一级分类中,物种被分为不同的属。(In the first level of classification of taxa, species are divided into different genera.)
8. 这个科学家对于如何更好地分类不同的生物taxa做出了贡献。(This scientist has made contributions to how different biological taxa can be classified better.)
9. 这个博物馆的展品被按照它们的taxa分类。(The exhibits in this museum are classified according to their taxa.)