Phylloscopus是什么意思 Phylloscopus的读音、翻译、用法

Phylloscopus是什么意思 Phylloscopus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Phylloscopus warblers are small, often brightly colored birds commonly found in woodland areas.(Phylloscopus莺科鸟类通常是小型、色彩鲜艳的鸟类,常见于林地区。)

2. This morning I saw a Phylloscopus collybita in my garden. (今天早上我在自家花园里看到一只叶莺。)

3. Among the most beautiful species of the Phylloscopus family is the Greenish Warbler. (莺科家族中最美丽的物种之一是绿叶莺。)

4. The Phylloscopus species are known for their melodious songs.(Phylloscopus物种以其美妙的歌声而闻名。)

5. The Willow Warbler is a species of Phylloscopus that migrates from Europe to Africa each year.(柳莺是每年从欧洲迁徙到非洲的一种叶莺。)

6. The Phylloscopus trochilus is often seen in the highlands of Scotland.(Phylloscopus trochilus常出现在苏格兰高地。)

7. The Lesser Whitethroat belongs to the Phylloscopus family and is common throughout Europe and Asia.(小白喉莺属于莺科家族,在整个欧洲和亚洲都很普遍。)

8. The Phylloscopus sibilatrix is known for its distinctive song that sounds like a whistle.(Phylloscopus sibilatrix因其像哨声般的独特歌曲而出名。)

9. Many bird watchers enjoy observing Phylloscopus warblers during their annual migration.(许多鸟类观察者喜欢在叶莺每年迁徙时观察它们。)

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