Campephagidae是什么意思 Campephagidae的读音、翻译、用法

Campephagidae是什么意思 Campephagidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Campephagidae family includes cuckoo-shrikes and trillers that are native to Australia and Southeast Asia. (食蝉鸟科家族包括了布鵑和啭鸟,分布在澳大利亚和东南亚。)

2. The Spangled Drongo belongs to the Campephagidae family and can be found across much of Asia and Australia. (星凤头鹊是食蝉鸟科的物种,分布在亚洲和澳大利亚许多地方。)

3. The Campephagidae are known for their sharp beaks and agile movements, which allow them to catch insects in mid-air. (食蝉鸟科因其锋利的喙和敏捷的动作而著名,可以在空中捕捉昆虫。)

4. The Grey Cuckoo-shrike is a member of the Campephagidae family and is found in Australia and New Guinea. (灰布鵑是食蝉鸟科的一种,分布在澳大利亚和新几内亚。)

5. The Campephagidae family includes some of the most colorful birds in the world, such as the Scarlet Minivet. (食蝉鸟科包括了世界上最为色彩缤纷的鸟类之一,如红嘴相思鸟。)

6. The White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike is a member of the Campephagidae family and is found in northern and eastern Australia. (白腹布鵑是食蝉鸟科的一种,分布在澳大利亚北部和东部。)

7. The birds in the Campephagidae family are known for their distinctive calls, which can vary widely depending on the species. (食蝉鸟科的鸟类以其独特的叫声而闻名,这些叫声根据物种的不同而变化很大。)

8. The Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike belongs to the Campephagidae family and is found across much of Australia. (黑面布鵑属于食蝉鸟科,分布在澳大利亚的许多地方。)

9. The Campephagidae family includes some of the most elusive and hard-to-spot birds, such as the Ashy Minivet. (食蝉鸟科包括了一些最难观察到的鸟类,如白喉相思鸟。)

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