'Ehud Olmert'是以色列的名字。他曾担任以色列总理和以色列外交部长,并在xx年至xx年期间担任总理职务。他是以色列政治家和律师,曾经在以色列政府的多个职位上任职过。
以下是9个含有'Ehud Olmert'的例句:
1. Ehud Olmert served as the Prime Minister of Israel from 2006 to 2009.(Ehud Olmert曾在xx年至xx年期间担任以色列总理。)
2. In 2007, Ehud Olmert made a historic visit to the Palestinian city of Jericho.(xx年,Ehud Olmert对巴勒斯坦城市杰里科进行了历史性的访问。)
3. Ehud Olmert resigned as Prime Minister of Israel amid corruption allegations.(Ehud Olmert因腐败指控辞去以色列总理职务。)
4. Ehud Olmert was known for his efforts to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians.(Ehud Olmert因其努力实现以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的和平而闻名。)
5. Ehud Olmert's tenure as Prime Minister was marked by the Second Lebanon War.(Ehud Olmert担任总理期间,发生了第二次黎巴嫩战争。)
6. Ehud Olmert was the first Israeli Prime Minister to openly endorse a two-state solution.(Ehud Olmert是第一位公开支持两国方案的以色列总理。)
7. Ehud Olmert served as Mayor of Jerusalem from 1993 to 2003.(Ehud Olmert曾在xx年至xx年期间担任耶路撒冷市市长。)
8. Ehud Olmert was convicted of bribery and sentenced to six years in prison.(Ehud Olmert因受贿罪被判有期徒刑xx年。)
9. Ehud Olmert's political career spanned over three decades.(Ehud Olmert的政治生涯跨越了三十多年。)