'F-14 Tomcat'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“F-14大黄蜂”,它是一款由美国格鲁曼公司生产的双发双座舰载式战斗机,被美国海军和伊朗空军所使用。它首次服役于xx年,直到xx年退役,期间进行了多次升级改进,成为了美国军队的标志性武器之一。
以下是9个含有‘F-14 Tomcat’的例句:
1. The F-14 Tomcat was introduced in 1974 and served the US Navy for over 30 years.(F-14大黄蜂于xx年首次服役,为美国海军服役了超过xx年。)
2. The F-14 Tomcat was known for its powerful engines and advanced avionics systems.(F-14大黄蜂以其强大的引擎和先进的航空电子系统而著名。)
3. The F-14 Tomcat was capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously.(F-14大黄蜂能够同时攻击多个目标。)
4. The F-14 Tomcat was retired from service in 2006 and replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.(F-14大黄蜂于xx年退出服役,被F/A-18E/F超级大黄蜂取代。)
5. The F-14 Tomcat was featured in the movie Top Gun.(F-14大黄蜂出现在电影《壮志凌云》中。)
6. The F-14 Tomcat was used extensively during the Iran-Iraq War.(F-14大黄蜂在伊朗伊拉克战争期间得到广泛使用。)
7. The F-14 Tomcat was equipped with a powerful AWG-9 radar system.(F-14大黄蜂配备了强大的AWG-9雷达系统。)
8. The F-14 Tomcat was known for its distinctive variable sweep wing design.(F-14大黄蜂以其独特的可变后掠机翼设计而著名。)
9. The F-14 Tomcat played a key role in Operation Desert Storm.(F-14大黄蜂在沙漠风暴行动中发挥了关键作用。)